If you’ve been wheeling and dealing in day trading for a while, you’ve probably heard the phrase, day trading is a scam. You may have wondered about what you’ve read. Words like pyramid or Ponzi scheme, may have found room on your computer screen or cellphone like the latest and greatest fad or the worst possible political nightmare – when will mudslinging be on its way out, anyway?
You may be asking yourself, what is the real truth?
Here’s one:
“When…failure starts to mean something radically different [than what you’ve been taught, what you’ve previously learned]” says Matt Poll, “you start to look forward to (failing) because it means that you’re learning; it means that you’re in the game; it means that that improvement is coming, that your life being easier is coming.”
Again, to be in the game of day trading, not merely viewing it as a spectator from the stands, a day trader has got to get out there and fail sometimes. “When you’re failing, you’re [saying to yourself] how do I change that so I can win next time? You’re putting in rules…new structures for yourself. You’re practicing.”
The problem?
Most of us can’t wait. We’re in too big of a rush, too anxious too soon, too emotionally tied in to being the next big winner, to see what a winner really looks like.
But waiting is key. And practicing. And waiting. And practicing.
The good news?
Matt Poll has plenty to say about day trading and what it means for the average Joe. He has plenty to say about successful trading, even honest trading from your favorite living room chair, and he isn’t afraid to open up and share what he knows with other like travelers.
Like yourself.
“There’s this association that if you’re a day trader, somehow, that some scam’s going on. I found that’s completely not true. If someone’s classifying themselves as a day trader, they’re the ones in control” (Matt Poll).
Are YOU in control?
If you are, you’ll want to take a real look.